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Category Archives: Stress Relief
Step Into Your Fears to Overcome Them
“Hi, how are you doing? Good to see you! I haven’t seen you for a while!” I visited with a pleasant young man I had not seen for a long time.
“I’ve been busy. I have a job now!”
“Oh really, where?”
He named a fast-food restaurant.
“Awesome! What year are you now?”
“I’ll be a junior.”
“Where do you go to school?”
“I homeschool.”
“How do you like it?”
“I like it because I have social anxiety and I don’t have to talk to strangers. My dad always tried to get me to relate to people, but I wouldn’t. Now I make a living talking to strangers!” He smiled.
His boldness in sharing about his social anxiety surprised me. I smiled at his comment about how now he makes a living talking to strangers, the very thing he feared the most.

“Good for you for stepping into your fear and overcoming it!”
“Thanks!” He nodded.
I am truly proud of this young man. He is a good example and a reminder to all of us to keep stepping into our fears to overcome them! You can benefit from doing the very thing you fear the most!
I used to fear writing a book. Then I wrote a book on how to overcome those fears. By stepping into them and doing the thing I feared, I overcame them. I wrote and published the book, “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams to share with others the strategies I discovered to set them up for success as well.
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Overcoming Fear, Stress management, Stress Relief, Uncategorized
Tagged courage, Overcome fear, step into fear
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A Game You Always Win ~ Bible Memory
Today I won the centennial badge on the Scripture Typer app for memorizing 100 verses! WOW!
I’ve been using this app for several months so I have slowly built up to this.
I have a lifelong habit of memorizing scripture on 3×5 cards. However, I love the way this app makes memorizing like a challenging game and fun. But in this game, you always walk away, a winner! 🙂
3 Ways You Always Win Memorizing Scripture
1. Gives you brain food. Scientific research shows that your brain actually gets smarter when you memorize.
2. Relieves stress. Memorizing verses about God’s love and care for you, gives you relief from stress and calms anxiety.
3. Increases strength. Memorizing verses is like strength training. As you get wisdom from Scripture, you have greater courage and strength to face and overcome the difficulties in your life.
Posted in Strength~Need strength?, Stress management, Stress Relief, Uncategorized
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Gratitude Gives Strength in Hardship
“What happened? Are you okay?” I looked in concern and shock at his left foot, bright red and swollen to six times its size. I had spotted Keith, an old friend I used to work with at DaySpring Cards. I had finished my strength training at Holly Street Physical Therapy.
He leaned on his cane and smiled, “Oh, I’m better now. I can walk! I got a rare bacteria that traveled to my foot. I’ve been in bed. This is my first day up.”
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Gratitude, Strength to Strength, Stress management, Stress Relief
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Leave Past Failures Behind
Leave the past behind with all of its disappointments and failures.
Receive new mercy and compassion for your mistakes.
Believe in today with all of its new dreams and possibilities.
Posted in Be An Overcomer, From Stuck to Success, Mistakes, Stress Relief, Wisdom Nuggets
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How to Turn Disaster Fears Into Faith
I don’t know about you but natural disasters such as flooding, earthquakes, tornadoes give me a heightened awareness of how helpless we are as humans.
This past weekend we had serious flooding in our area creating an emergency disaster situation for many. The incessant rain and thunder stirred all those feelings of vulnerability, fear and powerlessness. These normal feelings cause us to reach out to a power great than ourselves and for me the turbulence caused me to turn to God.
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Overcoming Fear, Strength to Strength, Stress management, Stress Relief, Uncategorized
Tagged dealing with fear, dealing with stress, Overcome fear
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Beauty in the Mess ~ You’re an Overcomer!
I sat in my crushed car, reeling from the shock of a five car accident that totaled my car. After the policemen took us to a nearby strip mall so I sat in the car waiting.
“Mom, look. Look at the flowers. Mom, these are some of your favorite flowers!” I turned around in the car seat and spotted my son, Alex, standing by a group of three, deep pink crepe myrtles.
I groaned. For a moment, I thought it was rather insensitive to tell me to look at the flowers instead of empathizing with my loss.
Posted in Beauty, Beauty in Adversity, Life's Challenges, Nature's Beauty, Stress Relief
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How Pressure and Chocolate Can Be Good For You
Today I felt totally stressed out. I have a great opportunity to speak to share my program, “Why and How to Write Your Story,” The speaking event is a good opportunity to educate, empower and equip others to write their stories.
I have a lot to do to get ready for it and many decisions to make which make me feel a lot of pressure because I want to do it right. In the midst of thinking all these issues through, I had a sudden craving for chocolate. 🙂 I’m health conscious so I’ve purchased raw cocoa because of it’s superior health benefits and came up with my own variation of a raw chocolate recipe.
Desires Fulfilled Bring Life
Today, I had a lot to do. I walked by my watercolors. My heart longed to stop and enjoy them. Most of the time I walk on because it takes time to get everything out and then put it away. Because of other demands with my work, those creative urges get repressed and leave an an unfulfilled longing.
However, today I decided to apply the 15 minute principle. I pulled out my little travel case of watercolors and sat down and began to play with them. I have taken drawing and watercolor classes before but set those on the shelf for years. Recently, I started going to a watercolor class again.
Posted in Beauty Surprises, Joy of Life, Keys to Success, Stress management, Stress Relief, Wisdom Nuggets
Tagged dealing with stress, manage stress, reducing stress, stress and anxiety, stress relievers
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Nature’s Quiet Beauty Brings Wealth
Birds chirping. Wind gently stirring in the trees. Rich green everywhere I look. This is the nature walk I frequently enjoy along a creek that runs by our house. When I walk far enough down the road into a secluded section, the path becomes more wooded with trees lining both sides of the road.
When I used to walk, I’d often take my iPhone with me to listen to books while I walk. This made my walk for exercise pass more quickly. I felt more productive since I could absorb wisdom and knowledge from the books at the same time on my walk.
Posted in Beauty Surprises, Joy of Life, Nature's Beauty, Stress management, Stress Relief, True Beauty, Wisdom Nuggets
Tagged dealing with stress, keys to success, manage stress, managing stress, nature, nature's beauty, real beauty, reducing stress, stress relievers, true beauty
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Someone Cares When You’re Distressed
Do you have the freedom to accept yourself and express your feelings of stress or distress?
In some cultures, it’s not considered acceptable to express feelings of deep distress or grief. The result is that we often suppress these feelings or think there is something wrong with us.
However, David the Psalmist frequently referred to his distress or grief and anguish. By doing so, he frees us to be human. When things are not going well in the family, at work, or some other distressing life situation, David gives us permission to express those feelings, if not publicly, at least before the Lord.