Tag Archives: real beauty

My Tribute to My Cat and the Lessons She Taught

Last week we had to say goodbye to our beautiful Calico Persian cat, Callie. She reigned in our house with her regal beauty for fourteen years and as cats often do, set her own terms for our interaction with her. Caring for her was not without it’s challenges since she didn’t like to be brushed, a necessary routine for a Persian. I was the only one she’d tolerate and I mean tolerate and even that involved holding her firmly so she couldn’t escape.

I’d try to tell her that this is one of the costs of being beautiful. She didn’t buy it and responded with hisses when she got tired of the comb pulling at her long fur.

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Nature’s Quiet Beauty Brings Wealth

Birds chirping. Wind gently stirring in the trees. Rich green everywhere I look. This is the nature walk I frequently enjoy along a creek that runs by our house. When I walk far enough down the road into a secluded section, the path becomes more wooded with trees lining both sides of the road.

When I used to walk, I’d often take my iPhone with me to listen to books while I walk. This made my walk for exercise pass more quickly. I felt more productive since I could absorb wisdom and knowledge from the books at the same time on my walk.

Posted in Beauty Surprises, Joy of Life, Nature's Beauty, Stress management, Stress Relief, True Beauty, Wisdom Nuggets | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Nature’s Quiet Beauty Brings Wealth

Ageless Beauty

“What is your name?” She smiled at me as I sat down my plate at the table to eat my lunch. I glanced over to the booth next to me and saw an elderly woman smiling at me.

“My name is Sharon,” I walked over to her booth thinking she must know me.

“My name is Marilyn,” she smiled at me. I realized when I arrived over there that I didn’t know her but to be gracious I went along with her.

“Good to see you!”

“I used to own a dress shop downtown so that must be where I know you from.”

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True Beauty ~ What Looks Good On You?

What looks good on you? Do you like the color red, green or purple? Or any one of the wonderful colors we enjoy in clothing? When people say, “That color looks awesome on you!,” do you have a tendency to wear more of it?

A blog post by my friend, Tabbitha Easley, inspired me to think about the admonition in Colossians 3:12 to clothe yourself with humility.

What if we started saying to each other, “Humility looks good on you!” When we see someone walking in humility or behaving in humble ways, what if we admired it?

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