My Stories

I’ve had requests to share some of my stories on my website and so here we go. I hope they will inspire and encourage you as you step out to fulfill your own dreams.

This story will give you the courage to get out of your comfort zone and to go into what is unfamiliar to you to accomplish a greater good.
I’m pleased to share my first story on Father’s Day, June 15, 2014, a story that honors my father who is no longer with us.

Into the Jungles ~ A Tribute to My Dad, A Man of Courage

This is a surprising story about my oldest adopted Brazilian son. This shares how we came to adopt him. This story was published in Chicken Soup for the Christian Women’s Soul and the Best of Series. Startled by a Dream

This is a touching story about caring. I was with my adopted Brazilian son when he was twelve years old. This story was published in “The True Meaning of Christmas” anthology.
He Gave the Little He Had

Rosita, my Colombian adopted daughter had a wonderful Christmas surprise when she first came to live with us. This story was published in the Chicken Soup for the Adopted Soul. A Shower for Rosita

Sometimes an unexpected circumstance and giving to those who are down and out can bring you healing.  This story was published in Grace Givers: Amazing Stories of Grace in Action by Dr. David Jeremiah  Giving Brings Unexpected Healing

Do you wonder if God cares for you or are you discouraged? This story about His desire to reach out to a homeless man will encourage you. Love Seeks to Encourage You



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