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Category Archives: Be An Overcomer
Giving Brings Unexpected Healing
“You want to do what? For who? You have got to be kidding!” I shook my head in shock and disbelief.
“Yes, honey,” I heard my husband Stan’s determined voice on the other end of the phone. “I think I am going to take the directorship of a ranch for men from Skid Row L.A.”
I gasped for breath. “Are you sure?” I couldn’t imagine moving from a middle-class suburb to work with men from Skid Row L.A., one of the worst slum areas of Los Angeles.
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Do Hard Things, Healing, Helping Someone, Mercy
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Step Into Your Fears to Overcome Them
“Hi, how are you doing? Good to see you! I haven’t seen you for a while!” I visited with a pleasant young man I had not seen for a long time.
“I’ve been busy. I have a job now!”
“Oh really, where?”
He named a fast-food restaurant.
“Awesome! What year are you now?”
“I’ll be a junior.”
“Where do you go to school?”
“I homeschool.”
“How do you like it?”
“I like it because I have social anxiety and I don’t have to talk to strangers. My dad always tried to get me to relate to people, but I wouldn’t. Now I make a living talking to strangers!” He smiled.
His boldness in sharing about his social anxiety surprised me. I smiled at his comment about how now he makes a living talking to strangers, the very thing he feared the most.

“Good for you for stepping into your fear and overcoming it!”
“Thanks!” He nodded.
I am truly proud of this young man. He is a good example and a reminder to all of us to keep stepping into our fears to overcome them! You can benefit from doing the very thing you fear the most!
I used to fear writing a book. Then I wrote a book on how to overcome those fears. By stepping into them and doing the thing I feared, I overcame them. I wrote and published the book, “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams to share with others the strategies I discovered to set them up for success as well.
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Overcoming Fear, Stress management, Stress Relief, Uncategorized
Tagged courage, Overcome fear, step into fear
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After the Rain Comes the Rainbow
We had a strong thunderstorm this afternoon. I mean, serious dark clouds and
sheets of pouring rain! The storm was definitely unpleasant to endure.
After it was over, my friend, Rebecca, headed out the door. “I’m sure there is a rainbow somewhere and I’m going to go find it.”
Sure enough, she found the rainbow and came back in and we went out to enjoy it
with her.
Nature has a lesson to teach us. The rainbow comes after the storm. Look for the beauty created by the storm.
How often do we get caught in the storms of life but forget to look for the beauty brought by the storm? We don’t like to have the storms of life. In fact, we can even resent the storms that come our way. We don’t want to have to deal with the storm and the consequences.
There’s nothing wrong with being upset or stressed. That reaction is normal when we’re going through tough times. However, good things can come after those difficult times if we look for them. If we choose, we can grow through the storm. Instead of simply going through it, we can grow through it. We can grow in the beauty of internal character traits such as patience, the ability to endure, understanding, and wisdom.
You can’t have rainbows without a storm. In the same way, the only way for beauty to come out in you is for there to be storms.
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Beauty in Adversity, Nature's Beauty, Uncategorized
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How to Calm Yourself After the Storms of Life
An online friend of mine had her mail scattered all a long a county road. She and her husband had been expecting some large retirement checks. She had to put a hold on her mail, notify the bank, and the company who issued the checks. When she faced some of the complications,
the adversity threw her mind and heart into a turmoil. She asked for advice in our Facebook group.
“How do you calm yourself and recenter after a storm?”
This is a good question because we all have storms of life that come our way at times. She recorded a video and shared, “I hope I’m not whining because I don’t usually complain but this situation threw me.”
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Comfort
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How to Find Strength in Weakness
Today, I called Leola, a friend of mine to see about getting together. When she answered the phone she shared,
“I’ve been in the hospital for several days and am now home. I had an asthma attack that I could not handle.”
Since she is in her eighties, this especially concerned me. “I didn’t know. I’m so sorry to hear this!”
“Thank you, but I see God’s purposes in it. I got to pray with some nurses and the Lord revealed some things to me while I lay there in my hospital bed.”
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Overcoming Fear, Strength in Hardship, Strength to Strength, Strength~Need strength?
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Choose Life And Renew Your Hope
“…I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19 (NIV)
Daily, we have the opportunity to make choices. God invites us to choose life and the things that bring us life, joy and blessings.
What brings us life? Fear of the Lord in the sense of reverence for God and His ways bring us life. “The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death.” Proverbs 14:27 (NIV) We often think of reverence as something stuffy, formal and certainly not fun. However, reverence for God means respecting the way He made us and He made us to have fun! Recreation means to “re” create. He meant for us to take time to refresh, renew and “re” create ourselves.
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Enjoy Life, Joy of Life
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Rather Than Shame, Learn From Mistakes
“Are you sitting on the bench because you’re injured?”
I had recess duty for 5th and 6th grade during a guest (substitute) teaching assignment and spotted a boy sitting on the bench.
“No, I’m in trouble.” He shuffled his feet and bowed his head.
I could see the shame he felt so I said, “Well, the important thing is that you learn from your mistake. We don’t have to be ashamed of making mistakes.
We all make them and sometimes we make the same ones more than once but hopefully, we eventually learn not to make those mistakes. Whatever it is you did, learn from it and do better next time.”
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Mistakes, Overcome Shame, Overcoming Fear, Parenting
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