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Category Archives: Strength~Need strength?
How to Find Strength in Weakness
Today, I called Leola, a friend of mine to see about getting together. When she answered the phone she shared,
“I’ve been in the hospital for several days and am now home. I had an asthma attack that I could not handle.”
Since she is in her eighties, this especially concerned me. “I didn’t know. I’m so sorry to hear this!”
“Thank you, but I see God’s purposes in it. I got to pray with some nurses and the Lord revealed some things to me while I lay there in my hospital bed.”
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Overcoming Fear, Strength in Hardship, Strength to Strength, Strength~Need strength?
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A Game You Always Win ~ Bible Memory
Today I won the centennial badge on the Scripture Typer app for memorizing 100 verses! WOW!
I’ve been using this app for several months so I have slowly built up to this.
I have a lifelong habit of memorizing scripture on 3×5 cards. However, I love the way this app makes memorizing like a challenging game and fun. But in this game, you always walk away, a winner! 🙂
3 Ways You Always Win Memorizing Scripture
1. Gives you brain food. Scientific research shows that your brain actually gets smarter when you memorize.
2. Relieves stress. Memorizing verses about God’s love and care for you, gives you relief from stress and calms anxiety.
3. Increases strength. Memorizing verses is like strength training. As you get wisdom from Scripture, you have greater courage and strength to face and overcome the difficulties in your life.
Posted in Strength~Need strength?, Stress management, Stress Relief, Uncategorized
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Stretch Yourself in New Ways to Find Strength
This week, a local fitness center, Crossfit Siloam has a special called, “Kill a Friend” (LOL) and they’re offering free classes.
As I grow older, I’m intentional about doing the things that renew and protect my health. Some of you may know about the green smoothies, gluten and sugar free diet and Young Living Essential oils I use that have changed my life and health for the better in the last couple of years.
Though I walk for exercise, I decided that I need to get my body stronger so I decided to try Crossfit. An encouraging, cheerful young man greeted me and had me squat down, put out my hands. “Now get up.”
Posted in Health Wisdom, Keys to Success, Strength~Need strength?
Tagged dealing with stress, essential oils, healthy, healthy living, stress relievers
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How Cleaning Up Crayons Makes You Strong
What does cleaning up crayons have to do with growing stronger?
My grandsons scattered crayons all over the floor as they colored, ran off and left the mess.
“Come on over and clean up this mess you made and put the crayons back,” I shouted at them so they could hear.
They protested.
“Come on, it makes you strong to clean up your own messes. So come over here and get strong by taking responsibility to clean up your mess.”
They ran to the mess of crayons all over the floor and started putting them away.
Posted in Keys to Success, Mistakes, Strength~Need strength?
Tagged healthy relationships, how to get strong, how to get stronger, keys to success, personal responsibility, success strategies
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You Don’t Need to be Sick, Weak and Poor
God does not need you sick, weak and poor to keep you dependent on Him.
This belief system is a lie perpetuated by the enemy of your soul who wants to steal, kill and destroy you.
Instead God comes to you when you’re sick, weak and poor to heal, strengthen and prosper you.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
Posted in Health Wisdom, Life's Challenges, Strength~Need strength?, Wisdom Nuggets
Tagged dealing with stress, God's love, health, prosperity, success
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An Unending Source of Strength
Is it hard for you to get up in the morning?
Do you need seven cups of coffee to keep energized for the day? Maybe it’s not coffee but some other substance you depend on.
My friend, Sue told me, “I need several cans of coke a day to keep me going. Then sometimes I can’t sleep at night because I had too much. The problem is I can’t get through the day without it.”
Do you feel yourself start to lag in the afternoon and wonder how you can make through the day? Maybe there are driving pressures at work, difficult people you live or work with that drain your energy.
Posted in Strength~Need strength?, Stress management, Stress Relief
Tagged dealing with stress, manage stress, reducing stress, stress and anxiety, stress relievers
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How to Get Strong–Allow the Struggle
“You can’t help them, can you?” I observed to my friend as we gazed at an egg incubator with about two dozen eggs. We watched one baby chick struggle as it pecked its way out of the eggshell.
“No, they get stronger as they peck at the shell. If you broke it, they wouldn’t have the strength they need to survive.”
I watched the baby chick peck its way out until finally it flung its body out of the shell and flopped. The chick tried to get up and fell, tried to get up and fell again, over and over. The chick flapped its little wet wings and tried to walk on its huge webbed feet but couldn’t.
Posted in Growth, Keys to Success, Life's Challenges, Strength~Need strength?, Stress management
Tagged Growth
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