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Author Archives: Sharon Rose Gibson
My Hair Loss Recovery
“Oh no! What am I going to do?”
In January, my hair fell out in chunks like the picture shows, four or five chunks at a time, every time I washed my hair. In the morning when I woke up, hair covered my pillow and my hairbrush was full of hair. After several weeks, I began to notice thinning and even bald spots on my head.
I panicked!
Finally, I decided to go see my doctor. “What is going on? What can I do?”
He told me that it was probably because I was so sick a couple of months ago. In November, I had a severe case of pneumonia.
Posted in Beauty, Health Remedies, Health Wisdom
Tagged essential oils, essential oils for hair loss, growing hair, hair growth, hair loss, hair loss after covid, hair loss after illness, hair loss after pnemonia, hair loss treatment, omega 3
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Delicious Keto, Gluten-Free Pancake or Mug Cake Mix with Stevia
“Yum, that is so delicious!” My sister exclaimed when I shared a fiber-rich, gluten-free, sugar-free pancake with her. “I can’t believe it’s gluten free and so healthy. Please send me that recipe! I have other pancake mixes, but this one kept me regular while you were here. I haven’t been regular in the three days since you left!” 😉
Posted in Recipes
Tagged gluten-free, gluten-free mug cake, gluten-free pancake, keto, keto mug cake, keto pancake, key to success, mug cake with stevia, step into fear, sugar-free mug cake, weight loss, weight management
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Giving Brings Unexpected Healing
“You want to do what? For who? You have got to be kidding!” I shook my head in shock and disbelief.
“Yes, honey,” I heard my husband Stan’s determined voice on the other end of the phone. “I think I am going to take the directorship of a ranch for men from Skid Row L.A.”
I gasped for breath. “Are you sure?” I couldn’t imagine moving from a middle-class suburb to work with men from Skid Row L.A., one of the worst slum areas of Los Angeles.
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Do Hard Things, Healing, Helping Someone, Mercy
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Relationship Help – You Can’t Fix It
I have some family members who are making some harmful choices for them. I know the choices come from hurt, pain, and brokenness. I want so much to help them deal with their pain instead of running from it.
Sometimes I have tried to help them. Then I realized I need to let them struggle. I can’t fix it. One day when the temptation came to me once again to “help” them, I heard God say, “You can’t fix what you didn’t create.”
Posted in Helping Someone, Parenting, Relationship Difficulties, Uncategorized, Wisdom Nuggets
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Step Into Your Fears to Overcome Them
“Hi, how are you doing? Good to see you! I haven’t seen you for a while!” I visited with a pleasant young man I had not seen for a long time.
“I’ve been busy. I have a job now!”
“Oh really, where?”
He named a fast-food restaurant.
“Awesome! What year are you now?”
“I’ll be a junior.”
“Where do you go to school?”
“I homeschool.”
“How do you like it?”
“I like it because I have social anxiety and I don’t have to talk to strangers. My dad always tried to get me to relate to people, but I wouldn’t. Now I make a living talking to strangers!” He smiled.
His boldness in sharing about his social anxiety surprised me. I smiled at his comment about how now he makes a living talking to strangers, the very thing he feared the most.

“Good for you for stepping into your fear and overcoming it!”
“Thanks!” He nodded.
I am truly proud of this young man. He is a good example and a reminder to all of us to keep stepping into our fears to overcome them! You can benefit from doing the very thing you fear the most!
I used to fear writing a book. Then I wrote a book on how to overcome those fears. By stepping into them and doing the thing I feared, I overcame them. I wrote and published the book, “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams to share with others the strategies I discovered to set them up for success as well.
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Overcoming Fear, Stress management, Stress Relief, Uncategorized
Tagged courage, Overcome fear, step into fear
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After the Rain Comes the Rainbow
We had a strong thunderstorm this afternoon. I mean, serious dark clouds and
sheets of pouring rain! The storm was definitely unpleasant to endure.
After it was over, my friend, Rebecca, headed out the door. “I’m sure there is a rainbow somewhere and I’m going to go find it.”
Sure enough, she found the rainbow and came back in and we went out to enjoy it
with her.
Nature has a lesson to teach us. The rainbow comes after the storm. Look for the beauty created by the storm.
How often do we get caught in the storms of life but forget to look for the beauty brought by the storm? We don’t like to have the storms of life. In fact, we can even resent the storms that come our way. We don’t want to have to deal with the storm and the consequences.
There’s nothing wrong with being upset or stressed. That reaction is normal when we’re going through tough times. However, good things can come after those difficult times if we look for them. If we choose, we can grow through the storm. Instead of simply going through it, we can grow through it. We can grow in the beauty of internal character traits such as patience, the ability to endure, understanding, and wisdom.
You can’t have rainbows without a storm. In the same way, the only way for beauty to come out in you is for there to be storms.
Posted in Be An Overcomer, Beauty in Adversity, Nature's Beauty, Uncategorized
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A Shower for Rosita
“Mama, Mama.” Rosita shook me.
I turned over, moaned and looked at the clock. 5:00 a.m. What is she thinking? She chattered in Spanish. I smiled despite my reluctance to wake up so early. What fourteen-year-old girl wouldn’t be excited about a party planned in her honor?
Later, we bustled around the kitchen as we made final preparations. Rosita came over to the stove and gave me a playful grin. “Mama, why for me?”
I looked at her rosy cheeks. Joy filled my heart as I delighted in my new daughter. “We always have showers for new babies.”
“Me, baby?” she asked in her limited English.
I chuckled at her comment. “No, but it is like that because we just adopted you.”
Stan, my husband, met Rosita on a business trip, in an orphanage in Bogota, Colombia. After a childhood of neglect and severe abuse, at eleven years of age, she fled to the streets. She ate out of garbage cans to survive and slept in doorways under newspapers to fight off the chill at night.
Eventually, she heard about a Christian orphanage and found refuge there. When she saw Stan, she ran to her room and gave him a little needlepoint she made. When he looked in her eyes, something touched his heart. He heard the Lord say, “I want you to adopt her.”
Stan came home and shared Rosita’s story with me. I prayed about it and sensed God’s purpose in it, so I agreed. After fighting two years of red tape, we finalized the adoption in November and brought her to be with us in the U.S.A. before Christmas.
Now, Christmas decorations graced our house, filling it with cheer, making the shower even more festive. Spicy apple cider, cinnamon buns, and a variety of cookies filled the air with their delicious aromas. Upbeat music danced in the air, lifting our spirits. As the guests arrived, colorful gifts piled up under the Christmas tree. The chatter of friends greeting each other and catching up on news created a pleasant sense of energy and excitement.
Rosita kept running to the tree to gaze at the most recent deposit. As they accumulated, she unclasped and clasped her hands. Her voice had a nervous edge, “Mama, ‘mucho, mucho regalos’ (many, many gifts.) Twenty women crowded around in eager anticipation to see her reaction to their gifts. First, I shared with them a delicate colored poster Rosita made to express her appreciation.
A rough translation from Spanish shared her heart.
For: All of you with much affection.
I love you very much.
Thank you for all you have done for me.
May God bless you and give you much blessings.
Thank you all of you and I love you very much.
I will carry all of you in my heart wherever I go. Thank you. Smile.
Then Rosita opened the presents. She seemed confused by the abundance of gifts, so I handed them to her one at a time. She smiled with joy and expressed genuine gratitude for each gift. Clothes, a necklace, perfumed shower gel, lotion, gift certificates and much more delighted her young heart.
Three-fourths of the way through opening the gifts, she stopped, plunged her head into her lap and started sobbing. I panicked. I had no idea what upset her. I put my arms around her and tried to calm her. What is going on with her? I fumbled in my mind to try to find the few Spanish words I knew. My heartbeat faster. What am I going to do?
I sensed a nervous concern from the other women. I held Rosita for several minutes until she composed herself. Finally, one of the women who had been a missionary said, “I know Spanish. Maybe I can help.”
She questioned Rosita in Spanish and translated.
Through her tears, Rosita said. “I have never had so many gifts ever in my whole life. I am so grateful to you for giving me these things.” She paused and wiped the tears from her eyes, “When I was home and then on the streets, no one ever gave me a gift and now I have so many. I love you all and I will never forget you. I will never forget this day. Now I have my mama, my papa and my brother, and I love them so much. You are all special to me and I have you in my heart. I will never forget you. Thank you so much.”
I glanced around the room at my friends. Some women dabbed their eyes with tissue and others smiled at her with tears in their eyes. The awareness of what she had suffered and her sincere expressions of gratitude touched our hearts.
On Christmas Day, more gifts delighted her young heart. Later in the day, she came into the kitchen to find my husband and me. “Mama and Papa, I really love all the gifts. It is the first time I had gifts for Christmas, but the thing I appreciate the most is having a family.”
Posted in Adoption, Children Teach Us
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