Monthly Archives: June 2012

A Father Can Be A Place of Refuge

What kind of image do you have of God the Father?
Do you see Him as warm, loving and compassionate or angry and distant?

The last couple of weeks before this Father’s Day, my Father God drew me once again to the truth of who He really is and not my perception of him.

Sometimes we get distorted ideas of who God the Father is because of the imperfections of our own earthly fathers. For years, I thought God was mad at me when I made mistakes, until I read and reflected on this verse,

Posted in Father God Loves YOU, God's Love | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

True Beauty ~ What Looks Good On You?

What looks good on you? Do you like the color red, green or purple? Or any one of the wonderful colors we enjoy in clothing? When people say, “That color looks awesome on you!,” do you have a tendency to wear more of it?

A blog post by my friend, Tabbitha Easley, inspired me to think about the admonition in Colossians 3:12 to clothe yourself with humility.

What if we started saying to each other, “Humility looks good on you!” When we see someone walking in humility or behaving in humble ways, what if we admired it?

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An Unending Source of Strength

Is it hard for you to get up in the morning?

Do you need seven cups of coffee to keep energized for the day? Maybe it’s not coffee but some other substance you depend on. 

My friend, Sue told me, “I need several cans of coke a day to keep me going. Then sometimes I can’t sleep at night because I had too much. The problem is I can’t get through the day without it.”

Do you feel yourself start to lag in the afternoon and wonder how you can make through the day?  Maybe there are driving pressures at work, difficult people you live or work with that drain your energy. 

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