Monthly Archives: April 2021

After the Rain Comes the Rainbow

We had a strong thunderstorm this afternoon. I mean, serious dark clouds and
sheets of pouring rain! The storm was definitely unpleasant to endure.
After it was over, my friend, Rebecca, headed out the door. “I’m sure there is a rainbow somewhere and I’m going to go find it.”
I smiled at the determination in her voice. She had a mission; to find the rainbow.
Sure enough, she found the rainbow and came back in and we went out to enjoy it
with her.
Nature has a lesson to teach us. The rainbow comes after the storm. Look for the beauty created by the storm.
How often do we get caught in the storms of life but forget to look for the beauty brought by the storm? We don’t like to have the storms of life. In fact, we can even resent the storms that come our way. We don’t want to have to deal with the storm and the consequences.
There’s nothing wrong with being upset or stressed. That reaction is normal when we’re going through tough times. However, good things can come after those difficult times if we look for them. If we choose, we can grow through the storm. Instead of simply going through it, we can grow through it. We can grow in the beauty of internal character traits such as patience, the ability to endure, understanding, and wisdom.
You can’t have rainbows without a storm. In the same way, the only way for beauty to come out in you is for there to be storms.
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