Tag Archives: overcoming fear

Into the Jungle ~ A Tribute to My Dad, A Man of Courage

I can still see the picture in my mind of my dad seated on a “kapoi,” the carrier four Africans transported him on into the jungles of Africa. He did not have the stamina the Africans did to walk for three days. The sweat gathered under his helmet and ours as we swatted the never-ending flies.

Mom tucked several loaves of fresh-baked banana bread into his belongings because banana bread kept longer than most food items. I caught a whiff of the aroma and I looked forward to fresh slices of the tasty treat later.

Posted in Father - Good Father Examples, God's Love, Keys to Success, Life's Challenges, Overcoming Fear | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Into the Jungle ~ A Tribute to My Dad, A Man of Courage