Tag Archives: healthy relationships

He Created a Legacy of Beauty

“Mom, I know I am going to be leaving soon when I graduate from college. I have seen the way you light up whenever we give you flowers. I would like to create flower beds for you.” My son Alex and I stood by the lamp post in our front yard as we chatted.  

 He continued, “You could pick out the flowers you want but in addition to seasonal flowers, we can also plant perennials so they will come up year after year.” His excitement grew as we talked. I looked around. The trees had begun to bud and the soft green of early spring reassured us that winter had gone. It was indeed time to think about spring time planting.  

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Each Kindness Matters and Changes Lives

“Hi Mrs. Gibson,” a couple of sixth grade girls waved at me as I walked down the hall. I had an assignment as a substitute teacher for 6th grade science.

“What are you guys doing? Are you having a party?” I noticed all the kids in the classroom over lunch.

“No, we’re part of the kindness squad.”

“Kindness squad? What is the kindness squad?”

“We do kind things. We have two groups. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we do different kindness projects.” They pointed to the classroom.

“That sounds awesome! What kind of kind things do you do?”

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You Don’t Have to Worry About Competition

When you know who you are and
What you have to offer
You don’t have to worry about competition
No one can be who you are or
Can do it in the way you can do it
Even if others offer similar services
YOU are unique and special
You have a niche no one can fill

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How Cleaning Up Crayons Makes You Strong

What does cleaning up crayons have to do with growing stronger?

My grandsons scattered crayons all over the floor as they colored, ran off and left the mess.

“Come on over and clean up this mess you made and put the crayons back,” I shouted at them so they could hear.

They protested.

“Come on, it makes you strong to clean up your own messes. So come over here and get strong by taking responsibility to clean up your mess.”

They ran to the mess of crayons all over the floor and started putting them away.

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Relationship Advice–Walk With the Wise and Grow Wise

Who you listen to, who you hang out with, who you share your life with, matters. They will either help you seek and find wisdom or they’ll lead you down harmful path. This includes what you read, watch and listen to.

“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. Proverbs 13:20 (NIV)

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