Tag Archives: good deeds

The True American Spirit

My car broke down over the weekend. My son-in-law, Carlos helped me fix it. He discovered my oil needed changing. While he worked on it, he sent me to Walmart to get oil and a filter.

The automotive section had closed. I stared at the myriad of choices in oil filters, confused about which one to buy. I had used the machines but I couldn’t find the number they recommended.

I spotted a man and his family who turned down my aisle. I reached out and asked if he knew how to figure it out. He didn’t know but his teenage son stepped up and pulled out his iPhone. He asked me the make, model and year of the car and began to search.

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Everyday Hero ~ An Act of Kindness

“I didn’t even think to bring in my umbrella. I don’t know how we’re going to get to the car without getting drenched.” I lamented to John, my ten-year-old grandson.

“The wind is blowing hard too.” He observed as we stood at the glass doors gazing at the pouring rain after church last Sunday. Additionally, water rushed down the street gutter. It would be impossible to get to the parking lot on the other side without getting your shoes soaking wet.

I opened the door and mentioned our dilemma to Darryl, one of our deacons, “Do you know if someone has an umbrella? I don’t know how we’re going to get to the car.”

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Give Thanks For Small Acts of Kindness

Yesterday when I shopped in our local grocery store, right when I needed something. a sales clerk rounded the corner and asked, “Are you finding everything?”

I smiled, “You appeared at the right time because I’m actually looking for. . .” and I told her what I needed.

She immediately said, “Well this is over here. I’ll take you there,” Then she told me where the other item was. After I finished with the first one and walked into the main aisle, she came out to make sure I got to the right place for the second item.

Posted in Beauty in Character, Caring for Others, Joy of Life, Keys to Success, Kindness | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Give Thanks For Small Acts of Kindness

How to Overcome Evil

How do we respond to evil in the world, such as mass shootings, murders, and human cruelty?

We don’t deny the intense pain which results.

We grieve deeply.

In the midst of that grief, we gain power and hope by renewing our efforts to do good, to release love, kindness and compassion in a greater measure to our families, communities and the world.

David, the psalmist had good insight into a healthy response to evil when he wrote Psalm 37:1-3. He advises us not to fret because of evildoers but to instead trust in the Lord and do good.

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