Stretch Yourself in New Ways to Find Strength

This week, a local fitness center, Crossfit Siloam has a special called, “Kill a Friend” (LOL) and they’re offering free classes.

As I grow older, I’m intentional about doing the things that renew and protect my health. Some of you may know about the green smoothies, gluten and sugar free diet and Young Living Essential oils I use that have changed my life and health for the better in the last couple of years.

Though I walk for exercise, I decided that I need to get my body stronger so I decided to try Crossfit. An encouraging, cheerful young man greeted me and had me squat down, put out my hands. “Now get up.”

My look must have said, “You’ve got to be kidding” because he grinned and said, “You can do it.”

And I DID! Then he wanted me to do push ups and jump up and clap. I must have looked skeptical because he kept telling me I could do it.

Then he wanted me to do three rounds of 10 each and 5.

I thought there’s no way but he kept cheering me on and you know what?

I DID it!

I felt stiff and wooden but with each round, I gained strength and confidence. I found out I’m stronger than I thought!

Sometimes we need to stretch ourselves in new ways and  expand into new areas and we’ll find a strength we didn’t know we had. 

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