When you feel weak, sad or lonely Someone has tenderhearted compassion and mercy for you.
This is not an ordinary someone but Someone who sits in high places and happens to be the Highest Ruler of the Universe.
Usually we think of a higher authority as someone we’d be intimidated by but not this Ruler.
When you feel weak and in need of strength, you can come to the Ruler of All and you can count on His tenderhearted compassion and mercy for you.
Others may let you down and disappoint you. He won’t. He will always be there for you. He is reliable.
You will never be too much trouble for Him and your needs will never be too much for Him.
When you feel the despair, He does not leave you,
“He has not despised my cries of deep despair. He has not turned and walked away. Instead when I cried, He came.” Psalm 22:24 (LB)
When you call to Him in your distress, you can count on His response.
What is it going to be?
A harsh reply to shut up?
A put down of your fears?
An impatient sigh?
No, His response is tenderhearted mercy.
Because He has regard for the weak.
He understands you.
You can count on Him to sympathize with you and to be tender with you.
You can count on Him to give you strength.
He reassures us tenderly,
“Fear not there is nothing to fear, for I am with you;
Do not look around you in terror and be dismayed,
for I am your God.
I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties,
Yes, I will help you;
Yes, I will hold you up and retain you with
My victorious right hand of rightness and justice.”
Isaiah 41:10 (Amplified)
Strong and Tender is this Ruler who cares for you.