How To Pesevere When You Feel Like Giving Up

Have you ever been excited because of a dream or a promise God spoke to your heart. Maybe even you “saw” it and believed confidently it could happen.

Now, time has gone by and you haven’t seen the result you desired. Is your flame of faith beginning to flicker?

Have you started to wonder if those dreams and promises would come true after all? Maybe your circumstances seem the opposite of what you first believed was possible.

I can relate to this challenge. At different times in my life, I’ve been in situations where I wanted to give up. Even now, I wonder if some dreams and promises will ever come true.

You may feel as I have sometimes in certain areas, discouraged, hopeless, frustrated and ready to abandoned the dream or the fulfillment of the promise.

What is the secret strategy you need to lay hold of the fulfillment of your God given dreams and promises?


Don’t give up.

Don’t throw away that confidence which stirred in you when you first had that dream or received that word from God. You have to fight for it.

I hear you now. You may be saying, “I know but it’s not that easy. You don’t understand how hard things are for me.” Or you may say, “I haven’t seen any changes and I get discouraged.” You may even ask, “How do I persevere?”

Good question. What does it mean to preserve on a practical basis? I can relate to those questions. Here are three keys to realizing your dreams and promises.

3 Key Strategies

  1. Keep believing. Keep your focus on thoughts which build your faith.
  2. Don’t throw away your confidence. Hang on to it and it will reward you.
  3. Determine to persevere, to persist. Keep trying and doing your part. Put forth the effort.

Do this and in time, you will receive all that’s been promised to you.

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” Hebrews 10:35, 36 (NIV)

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