Category Archives: Strength in Hardship

How to Find Strength in Weakness

Today, I called Leola, a friend of mine to see about getting together. When she answered the phone she shared,

“I’ve been in the hospital for several days and am now home. I had an asthma attack that I could not handle.”

Since she is in her eighties, this especially concerned me. “I didn’t know. I’m so sorry to hear this!”

“Thank you, but I see God’s purposes in it. I got to pray with some nurses and the Lord revealed some things to me while I lay there in my hospital bed.”

Posted in Be An Overcomer, Overcoming Fear, Strength in Hardship, Strength to Strength, Strength~Need strength? | Comments Off on How to Find Strength in Weakness

83 Year Old Woman Inspires Strength To Work

I noticed her hunched over the shopping baskets in Walmart. She’s a greeter, a tiny lady with gray hair but she is strong! We have chatted before so I stopped to talk to her when I went Walmart today. I shared that I felt tired from teaching at the high school all day.

She leaned on a shopping cart, “I am tired too. I don’t bounce back the way I did when I was 70. At 70 I could work 8 to 10 hours a day, drive home and get my energy back by the time I arrived home.”

Posted in Ageless Beauty, Beauty in Character, Do Hard Things, Keys to Success, Life's Challenges, Seniors Achieving, Strength in Hardship | Comments Off on 83 Year Old Woman Inspires Strength To Work

Gratitude Does Not Deny Pain

Gratitude does not deny pain and suffering.
Gratitude enables you to bear it.
Gratitude gives you the power to overcome.

In everything give thanks. . .

He who offers thank offerings honors Me and
prepares the way for Me so that I may
show him the salvation of God. Psalm 50:23

Posted in Be An Overcomer, Comfort, Comforting Hearts, Gratitude, Life's Challenges, Spiritual, Strength in Hardship | Comments Off on Gratitude Does Not Deny Pain