Category Archives: Seniors Achieving

83 Year Old Woman Inspires Strength To Work

I noticed her hunched over the shopping baskets in Walmart. She’s a greeter, a tiny lady with gray hair but she is strong! We have chatted before so I stopped to talk to her when I went Walmart today. I shared that I felt tired from teaching at the high school all day.

She leaned on a shopping cart, “I am tired too. I don’t bounce back the way I did when I was 70. At 70 I could work 8 to 10 hours a day, drive home and get my energy back by the time I arrived home.”

Posted in Ageless Beauty, Beauty in Character, Do Hard Things, Keys to Success, Life's Challenges, Seniors Achieving, Strength in Hardship | Comments Off on 83 Year Old Woman Inspires Strength To Work

Imagine You’re Not Too Old To Achieve Your Dream

“I never had a college degree myself so I went back to school when I was sixty-five.”

She leaned on her cane as she made her way down the high school hall. Age had taken it’s toll on her body. I recognized her as a guest (substitute) teacher and had come up to walk beside her.

“How awesome for you to go back to school when you’re older!”

“Yes, I didn’t even know how to turn on a computer. I had to take a computer class so I could do my classes.” She chuckled.

Posted in Be An Overcomer, Life's Challenges, Seniors Achieving | Comments Off on Imagine You’re Not Too Old To Achieve Your Dream