Category Archives: Parenting

Relationship Help – You Can’t Fix It

I have some family members who are making some harmful choices for them. I know the choices come from hurt, pain, and brokenness. I want so much to help them deal with their pain instead of running from it.

Sometimes I have tried to help them. Then I realized I need to let them struggle. I can’t fix it. One day when the temptation came to me once again to “help” them, I heard God say, “You can’t fix what you didn’t create.”

Posted in Helping Someone, Parenting, Relationship Difficulties, Uncategorized, Wisdom Nuggets | Comments Off on Relationship Help – You Can’t Fix It

Rather Than Shame, Learn From Mistakes

“Are you sitting on the bench because you’re injured?”

I had recess duty for 5th and 6th grade during a guest (substitute) teaching assignment and spotted a boy sitting on the bench.

“No, I’m in trouble.” He shuffled his feet and bowed his head.

I could see the shame he felt so I said, “Well, the important thing is that you learn from your mistake. We don’t have to be ashamed of making mistakes.

We all make them and sometimes we make the same ones more than once but hopefully, we eventually learn not to make those mistakes. Whatever it is you did, learn from it and do better next time.”

Posted in Be An Overcomer, Mistakes, Overcome Shame, Overcoming Fear, Parenting | Comments Off on Rather Than Shame, Learn From Mistakes

What Four-Year-Old Children Have to Teach Us

I enjoy the contrast in my guest (substitute) teaching work. Yesterday I had challenging seventh-grade boys and today I had 4-year-olds at pre-K.

The little ones are a challenge to keep in a line to get down the hall but they are so cute and loving!

One of the things that fascinates me is they have not yet lost their creativity and imagination. They build with blocks and tear down their creations repeatedly to start over.

I participated in one little girl’s play acting today. When I questioned on her on a couple of points she looked up at me and commanded, “Pretend!” Her tone came across like “get with it!” 🙂

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Best 5 Tips From A Two-Year-Old To Get Unstuck

“I’m done. I want to get down.” Two-year-old Jonathan sat at the table. He stared at a plate full of celery and carrots chopped up into small pieces.

“Are you finished eating?” His aunt Rebecca asked.


“Well, then you need to finish eating your carrots and celery.”

He waited a few minutes. Then he ate the carrots.

“Can I get down?”

“Are you finished?”


Rebecca looked over at his plate, “You need to finish eating your celery.”

Jonathan squished his eyebrows and turned his mouth down, “I don’t like it. I want to get down.”

Posted in From Stuck to Success, Grandparenting, Keys to Success, Life's Challenges, Parenting | Comments Off on Best 5 Tips From A Two-Year-Old To Get Unstuck